Steve Benting

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The England Trip -- Ann's Graduation

Graduation was held at the Sheldonian Theater. Here's the outside view.

Sheldonian exterior.

Alas, we only had a few tickets for graduation, so this was the view most of us had for most of the ceremony. But the cool bit's the inside. Check out that pipe organ...

Sheldonian pipe organ.

So, the ceremony (not surprisingly) starts with a procession.

Procession into Sheldonian.

Yes, that's Ann, still in her student's robes.

Still more procession.

She's too dignified to wave at the camera...

Students seated in hall.

So the ceremony's off and running. Now, for no apparent reason, the students process in (the bit you just saw), then go out one door in groups, then dribble back in.

Ann presented for degree.

Here's Ann being presented for her Master of Studies.


Ann bowing.

And here she is with the President of her college.

But while Ann was busy graduating, the Aunt and Uncles got to wait outside with the kids...

This page by , using Amaya. Last updated on 10 September 2005.